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New Moon

The Great American Eclipse of 2024

These mixed signals and unexpected consequences come from the steroid shot this Eclipse gives to the already challenging Mercury Retrograde period. Allow extra time, consider alternative plans and prepare for surprises.

A scientist shakes a jar in frustration. This Scorpio New Moon will be full of the unexplainable.

Scorpio New Moon

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 4th is the last lunar event before the Eclipse.

A figure works to maintain their balance showing the difficult balance required during the Libra New Moon.

The Difficult Balance of October’s New Moon

October’s New Moon turns up the volume on the theme songs of our past. What you avoided in September could make this New Moon even rougher as Mercury joins 6 other retrograde planets. 

Summer Solstice Eclipse

While we are bursting with the need to nurture and be nurtured, the eclipse leaves us feeling the child’s desire to be loved more than the parental longing to care for others. Into this already emotional tension comes the saturnine discipline trying to place societal limits on our teary inner child.

The Christmas Eclipse

This Christmas Season comes with a gift from the stars, a Solar Eclipse on Dec 26th that blesses us with luck, growth and unexpected treats.

Lucky in Money and Love

Today’s New Moon will have you feeling lucky in money and love. Use the energy to get prosperous then have a good time. People will be open to your charms and excited about new ideas.

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

5 planets in Capricorn and an Eclipse let’s us put this serious energy to work for the next 6 months.