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January Lunar Eclipse

This Full Moon always brings us up short after the holidays when the Sun is in Capricorn asking for practicality opposing the Moon in Cancer asking for comfort.  This year that longing for more fun and needing more money and time to get things done is being intensified by 5 different things.

Full Moon Energy ~ Nov 12th

Full Moon Energy can bring out the crazies! Add that to Mercury Retrograde this month and we’ll feel that craziness heighten our communication issues. Keep a sense of humor and you’ll find the problem has some hidden advantages. One of the likely results of this Full Moon is a chance encounter with old friends.

Lucky in Money and Love

Today’s New Moon will have you feeling lucky in money and love. Use the energy to get prosperous then have a good time. People will be open to your charms and excited about new ideas.

Magickal Cleaning

Each person releases some amount of energy with every breath. The stronger their feelings, the more energy they give off. Someone who is super angry can leave a residue in a room for hours.

Surviving Mercury Retrograde

Keep your calm during these hard times. Mercury Retrograde happens at the very end of the Astrological wheel. Let it help you clean out the old so you can move forward.