What are the ethics of doing Love Spells? Most people agree that doing a Love Spell or any spell on a person without their permission is wrong. That leaves the possibility of doing love spells with permission. How can you magically, and ethically, reenforce the love you have in your life?

Many wedding traditions would qualify as consensual love spells. My Mother-in-law gave us a traditional Dutch frame for our marriage certificate full of symbols of fertility and love for a wedding gift. Those traditional symbols carry the hopes for a fertile and abundant life.
Some couples have sweet habits that act as personal love spells. Using a pet name for a partner or a child is a simple love spell that invokes intimacy and history every time it is spoken. “In Jokes” or sharing a line from a favorite movie, offer other ways to verbally create the connections of love and laughter.
Sending wishes at 11:11, a magically powerful number, is so common, there’s a bitmoji for it. There are ways to build simple love spells into any relationship, including some for self-love.
Astrology can help you find the perfect time to create those love spells. The start of 2022 with Mars and Venus in Capricorn is the perfect time to use history, tradition and indulgence to strengthen your love relationships.