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Mars in Cancer

Picture Cancer as a home full of food, comforts and hugs, a safe space that encourages emotional support and guidance. Now imagine that home with the mighty warrior, Mars, taking up residence.

The Libra scales are flanked by autumn leaves lighting the hope for balance during this season.

Fall Equinox & Libra Balance

The Fall Equinox, also known as the First Day of Fall, balances the hours of day and night. Already in Metro-Detroit we’ve lost an hour of daylight since September started.

In August’s Conflict, Hero’s Emerge

The Aquarius Full Moon always challenges us to heroic efforts as we reconcile the tension between our longing for a brighter future for our community and our immediate desires for personal power. This year that tension comes with 2 weeks of shocking conflict in mid-August.

The Great American Eclipse of 2024

These mixed signals and unexpected consequences come from the steroid shot this Eclipse gives to the already challenging Mercury Retrograde period. Allow extra time, consider alternative plans and prepare for surprises.

A statue of Mercury throwing something behind him.

Understanding Mercury Retrograde

During a retrograde, Mercury travels the same 15 degrees three times. The first shadow period happens almost 3 weeks before the planet stops or stations retrograde.

Change vs Comfort

Practically speaking, the end of January is full of contradictions. We long for change so we’re speeding up our thoughts on innovative improvements. We also long for comfort and the push for more comes at the risk of losing our cool.

A statue of Hades seizing Persephone.

Relationship Issues

Relationship issues are STILL dragging us down as Venus, the Goddess of Love, dances with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld during her 40 days of retrograde.

Digging Deep During the Eclipse

The Taurus Full Moon on November 19th kicks off a 2 year cycle challenging us to step out of our comfort zones and work for deeper solutions.

A figure works to maintain their balance showing the difficult balance required during the Libra New Moon.

The Difficult Balance of October’s New Moon

October’s New Moon turns up the volume on the theme songs of our past. What you avoided in September could make this New Moon even rougher as Mercury joins 6 other retrograde planets. 

A statue of Mercury throwing something behind him.

Mercury and the 6 Retrograde Planets

Talkative Mercury begins a two month journey in Libra on August 30th. Be prepared to discuss all manner of past problems with 6 planets moving backward.