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Digging Deep During the Eclipse

The Taurus Full Moon on November 19th kicks off a 2 year cycle challenging us to step out of our comfort zones and work for deeper solutions.

A scientist shakes a jar in frustration. This Scorpio New Moon will be full of the unexplainable.

Scorpio New Moon

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 4th is the last lunar event before the Eclipse.

The Scorpion is centered in a zodiacal wheel.

Scorpio: Sex, Death and Magic

Astrologically speaking Halloween, happens while the Sun is in Scorpio, the sign that rules sex, death and magic. Scorpionic urges include sacred sexuality, morbid fascinations, and rituals for power and knowledge, tempting every sign while the Sun travels through this arc of the zodiac.

Pumpkins and candles burn while the rain falls outside.

Fall Decorations

Fall decorations echo elements from the three ancient harvest festivals. Like many American traditions we now have a melting pot from which to pull a variety of beautiful symbols.

A figure works to maintain their balance showing the difficult balance required during the Libra New Moon.

The Difficult Balance of October’s New Moon

October’s New Moon turns up the volume on the theme songs of our past. What you avoided in September could make this New Moon even rougher as Mercury joins 6 other retrograde planets. 

A cornucopia spills it's harvest bounty onto a table with the words "Celebrate your abundance this Fall!"

Fall Abundance

Tables decorated with a cornucopia spilled forth fruits and vegetables as the people showed their gratitude to Demeter for the gift of a bountiful harvest. While we no longer create our horn of plenty or cornucopia from a goat’s horn to honor Demeter, Americans still use her symbols to represent abundant harvests.

A statue of Mercury throwing something behind him.

Mercury and the 6 Retrograde Planets

Talkative Mercury begins a two month journey in Libra on August 30th. Be prepared to discuss all manner of past problems with 6 planets moving backward.

The RWS Minor Arcana Tarot Card, Ace of Swords, shows a hand holding a crowned sword indicating pure intellect.

Ace of Swords

Pure intellect triumphs.
Explore the world of ideas. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Clear is as kind as you can be.