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Mercury Gets Busy

With Mercury in Aries this week,  you may find your words flying faster than expected. Watch for a tendency for speaking and writing to be a bit more aggressive than usual starting on Monday when quick moving Mercury moves into hot headed Aries. This is the time to put your words into action using the initiative of Mercury in Aries to move forward. Mercury is joined by Venus in Aries so areas of love or business are great places to focus that impetus to make changes.

Begin new projects before March 22nd when Mercury goes retrograde. Then use the weeks until April 15th to review what you’ve begun. Any Retrograde period gives us a time to reflect and finish up those nagging loose ends. This Mercury Retrograde is intensified by Jupiter’s Retrograde from March 8th to July 10th. Take advantage by doing a detox for your body and even remove words from your vocabulary that no longer serve you (like “try” or “but”)!