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The 21st RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows an angel blowing the horn on Judgement Day indicating an time of reckoning.

20 – Judgement

Make a final decision and stick to it. Others are firm in their evaluation. No partial credit so proof your work. A past kindness pays off or an old lie is revealed.

The 20th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows a child riding beneath a shining Sun and foretells success.

19 – The Sun

You have won your place in the Sun. Authorities favor you and success begets more success. Increased vitality should be harnessed, beware of burn out.

The 19th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows two animals howling at the Moon and indicates the cycles of life.

18 – The Moon

Cycles rule your life. While you may long for quicker healing, flare ups rise and fade. Growth comes in waves. Honor your cycles, plan for ebbs and flows.

The 18th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card offers a women with stars in the sky indicating the power of fate.

17 – The Star

Your fate has been waiting for you to find it. Have faith and move forward. The path isn’t as important as your destination. Trust yourself and don’t expect perfection.

The 17th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows a tower struck by lightning indicating destruction.

16 – The Tower

Your safe space is too small for the growth your soul needs. Destroy your prison and the walls built by pride. Freedom lies outside. You will rise like a Phoenix.

The 16th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows a horned devil with two chained people indicating the prison created by addiction.

15 – The Devil

Temptation and addiction surround you. You have the power of choice that changes chaos into adventure. This is a great place to visit, don’t stay long.

The 15th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows an angel pouring water between two cups and indicating dynamic balance.

14 – Temperance

Temperance shows a dynamic balance. Embrace paradox that allows both answers to be true. I miss my old life AND I love the new job.

The 14th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows Death riding a white horse signifying transformation.

13 – Death

What is death to the caterpillar is birth to the butterfly. Allow transformation to carry you into new worlds. You can’t go back, happiness lies ahead when you’re ready.

The 13th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows a man hanging by his ankle and represents the sacrifices made.

12 – The Hanged Man

Time to pay tuition in the school of life. The sacrifice may be time in the gym or therapy. Let go of ego to find the patience to achieve great things.

The 12th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows Lady Justice and indicates success in legal endeavors.

11 – Justice

Focus on legal issues. Sign the contract after careful review. The scale promises fair outcomes even as the sword warns that balance may be brought by force.